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1 法国国家量子技术战略 2021-03-09

对于拥有许多资产的法国来说,这一策略是一项重大挑战:拥有卓越水平的大型实验室(其中一些实验室已获得诺贝尔奖),庞大的公司和工业家社区,或者甚至是致力于量子技术的第一笔资金。 此举与过去三年中为支持法国研究而实施的措施相吻合: 研究计划法; 未来的投资计划; 法国Relance计划; 人工智能计划。 共和国总统宣布启动国家量子战略,其中包括: 为研究人员提供新资源,包括培训,还为初创企业和制造商提供资源; 量子计算的发展; 投资有关量子的所有技术:通信,传感器,密码学。 这也是一个宏伟的计划: 未来五年的总额为18亿欧元,其中包括来自国家的10亿欧元; 该计划使法国在国际上处于很高的水平。 这绝对是一项重大的努力,这首先证明了政府和共和国总统的意愿,使法国成为欧洲和国际一级这些技术的主要参与者之一。 查看详细>>

来源: 点击量:194

2 《人工智能和量子信息科学的研发摘要:2020-202财年》 2020-12-01

Artificial intelligence(AI)and quantum information science(QIS)are key industries of the future that will power economic growth and strengthen national security for years to come.The Trump Administration recognizes the strategic importance of these emerging technologies and has taken decisive action to advance America’s AI and QIS leadership. In February 2020,President Trump’s Fiscal Year(FY)2021 Budget put the United States on apath to double Federal research and development(R&D)spending in nondefense AI and QIS by FY2022. This report provides asummary of Federal R&D spending in nondefense artificial intelligence and quantum information science for Fiscal Years 2020–2021.It demonstrates that the Administration is well on its way to fulfilling the President’s request to double investment. Information in this report was compiled by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy(OSTP),the Office of Management and Budget(OMB),the National Quantum Coordination Office(NQCO),and the Networking and Information Research and Development Program(NITRD).Breakthroughs in AI and QIS R&D will lead to incredible advancements in health care,transportation,communications,agriculture,security,and many other sectors.The Trump Administration is committed to ensuring these innovations occur here in America through strategic R&D investment.Importantly,America will maintain its global leadership in key technologies not through top-down government policies,but through our unparalleled innovation ecosystem where Federal agencies,the academic community,private sector innovators,and nonprofits each have aunique and necessary role,not to mention the synergistic effects of collaboration among these stakeholders.Working together,the United States will continue to embrace innovation and accelerate the development of cutting edge technologies that help all Americans become more prosperous and live healthier,safer lives. 查看详细>>

来源: 点击量:158

3 《美国量子网络战略构想》 2020-12-01

The Trump Administration is committed to American leadership in quantum information science(QIS),and to unleashing its incredible potential for U.S.economic growth,technological advancement,and national security.To coordinate anational research effort encompassing Federal agencies,the academic community,and industry leaders already underway,The White House National Quantum Coordination Office has released AStrategic Vision for America’s Quantum Networks.Exploring how to build the quantum internet—a vast network of quantum computers and other quantum devices—will catalyze new technologies that accelerate today’s internet,improve the security of our communications,and allow dramatic advances in computing.By leading the way in quantum net working,America is poised to revolutionize national and financial security,patient privacy,drug discovery,and the design and manufacturing of new materials,while increasing our scientific understanding of the universe.Quantum computing and networking technologies are still at an early stage of research and development(R&D).The strategic vision focuses America’s R&D efforts to advance the development of foundations for the quantum internet.It establishes QIS community goals for quantum networking,and recommends six specific technical areas for focused research activity.This strategic vision is driven by the National Quantum Initiative Act(NQIA),signed into law by President Trump in December 2018,to accelerate QIS R&D through increased federal investment and coordination.The strategy was developed through the NQIA’s coordinating bodies,the National Quantum Coordination Office(NQCO)and the National Science and Technology Council’s Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science(SCQIS)and reflects deep community input from SCQIS request for information responses of 2018-2019 and from recent workshops hosted by Federal agencies1,2.Over the past year,as called for by the NQIA,The White House established the National Quantum Coordination Office to unify Federal R&D activities across government,and the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee to ensure perspectives from the quantum community inform Federal efforts.Additionally,to implement the NQIA,the National Science Foundation announced the Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes3 solicitation to explore foundational quantum science and technology,and the Department of Energy(DOE)announced funding for the creation of new QIS research centers where researchers from DOE’s National Labs will join with experts from academia and the private sector to advance R&D.This builds upon the robust QIS research programs,centers and consortia at other agencies including National Institute for Standards and Technology,the Department of Defense,the National Security Agency,and NASA.In 1969,the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency demonstrated the first network(ARPANET)that led to the internet we know today.Back then,one could hardly imagine that it would become the world’s most powerful driver for economic growth and quality of life.As demonstrated once by ARPANET and now by AStrategic Vision for America’s Quantum Networks and the NQIA,the Federal government has acritical role to play in driving early-stage QIS research and providing direction to national R&D efforts.Under the Trump Administration’s leadership,the United States will pioneer the quantum internet and ensure QIS discovery and innovation that benefits all Americans. 查看详细>>

来源: 点击量:243

4 《量子前沿报告》 2020-12-01

Under the Trump Administration,the United States has made American leadership in quantum information science(QIS)a critical priority for ensuring our Nation’s long-term economic prosperity and national security.Harnessing the novel properties of quantum physics has the potential to yield transformative new technologies,such as quantum computers,quantum sensors,and quantum networks. The United States has taken significant action to strengthen Federal investments in QIS research and development(R&D)and prepare aquantum-ready workforce.In 2018,the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy(OSTP)released the National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science,the U.S.national strategy for leadership in QIS.Following the strategy,President Trump signed the bipartisan National Quantum Initiative Act into law,which bolstered R&D spending and established the National Quantum Coordination Office(NQCO)to increase the coordination of quantum policy and investments across the Federal Government. Building upon these efforts,the Quantum Frontiers Report on Community Input to the Nation’s Strategy for Quantum Information Science outlines eight frontiers that contain core problems with fundamental questions confronting QIS today: •Expanding Opportunities for Quantum Technologies to Benefit Society •Building the Discipline of Quantum Engineering •Targeting Materials Science for Quantum Technologies•Exploring Quantum Mechanics through Quantum Simulations •Harnessing Quantum Information Technology for Precision Measurements •Generating and Distributing Quantum Entanglement for New Applications •Characterizing and Mitigating Quantum Errors •Understanding the Universe through Quantum Information These frontier areas,identified by the QIS research community,are priorities for the government,private sector,and academia to explore in order to drive breakthrough R&D. As background for this report,Federal agencies on the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on QIS have engaged with the QIS research community through public requests for information(RFI)[1]and through aseries of QIS workshops,roundtables,and technical studies led by experts and stakeholders in the QIS R&D community.The NQCO analyzed the RFI responses and workshop readouts and found several recurring themes.This report summarizes and organizes the community input in order to focus the Nation’s QIS research,academic,private sector,and Federal Government leaders on frontiers where key questions must be answered to enable the full potential of QIS.The Trump Administration remains committed to maintaining and strengthening America’s QIS leadership and unleashing the promise of this emerging field to improve the prosperity,security,and well-being of the American people. 查看详细>>

来源: 点击量:124

